7М04106 Finance

7М04 Business, management and law (Field of education)
7M041 Business and Management(Direction of training)
M074 Finance, banking and insurance (Group of educational programs)

OP goal:

Basic conceptual apparatus of the history and philosophy of science. The history of the development of educational programs of world and domestic philosophical thought, problems of modern philosophy of science and the main directions of specialized knowledge. Knowledge of the social and ethical aspects of science and scientific activity, moral, normative and value problems of philosophical and scientific thought, issues of social responsibility of a scientist and the form of its implementation.

Formable learning outcomes:

  • carries out comprehensive research based on a holistic systemic scientific worldview using knowledge of the history and philosophy of science;

  • implements written and oral professional communication in one of the foreign languages, allowing for scientific research and teaching of special disciplines in universities;

  • applies knowledge of pedagogy and psychology of higher education, interactive teaching methods in her teaching activities;

  • demonstrates modern knowledge and understanding in the field of financial, credit, insurance, tax, budget, and investment relations;

  • conducts a financial analysis of the production, economic, and financial activities of the enterprise;

  • summarizes, analyzes and interprets financial, investment, legislative and other information, formulates arguments and solves problems in the field of finance;

  • uses financial analysis, substantiates decisions made and implemented in the field of advanced financial management, financial market;

  • applies modern methods of formulating fiscal policy, methods of planning and forecasting taxes by type of budget and payment deadlines;

  • analyzes market and specific risks in order to further use its results for making management decisions

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